Brightest GmbH - Bronze 2023 | Agile + DevOps West

Brightest GmbH - Bronze 2023

Brightest GmbH is your global certification provider for professionals throughout the IT-industry!  We support global certification standards, administering exams in several languages, that provide a path for measuring and confirming industry-based knowledge. Our ever-growing portfolio currently focusses on Software Testing (ISTQB), Software Architecture (iSAQB), Software Project Management (WITPM), Function Point Analysis (IFPUG), and the ever-growing United Portfolio (DevOps, Agile, API Testing, Selenium & Test Automation, AI, Performance Testing, Cloud, UX, Blockchain, Data & Analytics & Design Sprints).  Join training with one of our training provider partners, or challenge the exam directly with us and #reachyourpotential. Meet us at the Brightest stand and you might even get the chance to win a free exam!

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