Agile + DevOps West | #agiledevopscon



Conference Speaker

Outlines of different agile frameworks on sticky notes
By | March 31, 2020
There are many frameworks available to organizations that are maturing their agile process. However, some frameworks can help reinforce agile behaviors, while others can actually drive an organization to revert to waterfall habits. The right choice should be the methodology that allows teams to deliver their best work.

Conference Speaker

Quality engineers working on product quality
By | March 31, 2020
Ensuring that quality is advocated for at every step along the lifecycle can be tough. One easy response is, “Quality is everyone’s job”—after all, whole-team accountability is a key tenet of agile. But what does this really mean in practice? What approaches and roles help us embrace a culture of quality engineering?

Conference Speaker

no code
By | February 14, 2020
Adopting a codeless solution can be an amazing boost to quality, productivity, and tester career growth, but in most organizations, such test suites will have to be merged into existing code-based test scripts. To succeed, developers, testers, and management all should consider the differences between the two options.

Conference Speaker

By | February 14, 2020
Scrum can really help a team to become more agile. But that doesn’t mean it is the only way for a team to become agile. Agile is all about self-organizing teams collaborating to find what works for them, so if a nontraditional approach helps your team get started, then you’re just forging a new path to agility.

Conference Speaker

By | January 24, 2020
Culture drives performance, and agile leaders set a team's culture, so leaders should be measured at how effectively they’re doing just that. The challenge is, what might that look like? Here’s an idea for a four-quadrant measurement approach for leaders' organizational and personal effectiveness in agile contexts.